Title quote by Detective Harry Callahan(Clint Eastwood) in Magnum Force.
Yesterday afternoon I decide to go for a jog. Now during the week I keep my morning limit to about 3.25 miles. I'm winded after but not so much as I can't handle it and my workday.
Yesterday I decide to stretch my limit as I'm on the weekend. Now I did work today but it was only driving to Atlanta and back-not in/out the tractor and trailer making deliveries like a normal day. So anyway I'm thinking I can handle a pretty good bump up and decide on a route.
Now my regular run I've mapped out online to get an accurate estimate for my 5K training. Yesterday I pick a route and think its about 5 miles.
1. I was wrong....it was 6.
2. I normally run in the cool morning, not the heat of late afternoon.
3. I like taking a bottle of water to sip on but didn't yesterday.
4. all this equals a very tough eye-opening experience
I STRUGGLED to make it back. I make no pretense, I was stumble/walking, there was no jog left in me. At one point I'm on an overpass leaned on rail with both hands looking down at RR tracks. 2 cars go by and slow down some. I look over my shoulder and it seemed they were giving me a weird look.....I wondered if they thought I was going to jump....the problem was if I wanted to jump I don't think I had the strength left to pick my leg over the guard rail.....then the ambulance went by slowing down as I stumbled. I was thinking yep, they are looking in the mirror to see if I may be the next customer. Ha! Not today.
So I may be ready to take on a 5k but definitely not a 10k yet. Funny thing is I feel pretty good today. I was afraid I'd be all stove up and stiff. I believe my Advocare supplements may be helping not only with my weight and energy but my physical recovery. I can't wait for my large order next week so I can start approaching friends about it. I BELIEVE IN ADVOCARE.
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