About Me

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Alabama, United States
I'm tired of being in a rut. I'm ready to kick my life out of neutral and make some changes. I have adopted the philosophy of IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE. I'm not sure what the future holds but I'm ready to see. Get aboard and join me on the journey!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A man's got to know his limitations.

Title quote by Detective Harry Callahan(Clint Eastwood) in Magnum Force.

Yesterday afternoon I decide to go for a jog. Now during the week I keep my morning limit to about 3.25 miles. I'm winded after but not so much as I can't handle it and my workday.

Yesterday I decide to stretch my limit as I'm on the weekend. Now I did work today but it was only driving to Atlanta and back-not in/out the tractor and trailer making deliveries like a normal day. So anyway I'm thinking I can handle a pretty good bump up and decide on a route.

Now my regular run I've mapped out online to get an accurate estimate for my 5K training. Yesterday I pick a route and think its about 5 miles.

1. I was wrong....it was 6.
2. I normally run in the cool morning, not the heat of late afternoon.
3. I like taking a bottle of water to sip on but didn't yesterday.
4. all this equals a very tough eye-opening experience

I STRUGGLED to make it back. I make no pretense, I was stumble/walking, there was no jog left in me. At one point I'm on an overpass leaned on rail with both hands looking down at RR tracks. 2 cars go by and slow down some. I look over my shoulder and it seemed they were giving me  a weird look.....I wondered if they thought I was going to jump....the problem was if I wanted to jump I don't think I had the strength left to pick my leg over the guard rail.....then the ambulance went by slowing down as I stumbled. I was thinking yep, they are looking in the mirror to see if I may be the next customer. Ha! Not today.

So I may be ready to take on a 5k but definitely not a 10k yet. Funny thing is I feel pretty good today. I was afraid I'd be all stove up and stiff. I believe my Advocare supplements may be helping not only with my weight and energy but my physical recovery. I can't wait for my large order next week so I can start approaching friends about it. I BELIEVE IN ADVOCARE.

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